NHS Sight Test Eligibility
NHS Sight Test Eligibility
You may be eligible for an NHS-funded sight test if you are in one of these groups.
Ask the person who tests your sight for confirmation, as the information below is subject to change and is only displayed here as a guide.
I/my partner receive(s):
Income Support
Income based Jobseekers Allowance
Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
Pension Credit guarantee credit
Tax Credit and I am/we are named on a valid NHS Tax Credit Exemption Certificate
I am named on a valid HC2 certificate
I am registered blind/partially sighted
I suffer from diabetes/glaucoma
I am considered to be at risk of glaucoma by an ophthalmologist
I am 40 or over and am the parent/brother/sister/child of a person who has or had glaucoma
I am a prisoner on leave from prison
I have been prescribed complex lenses under the NHS optical voucher scheme
Last updated: July 2019
01670 513175
The NHS Sight Test Protocol
The NHS sight test protocol simply defines what you should expect from your NHS sight test. This protects the patient by ensuring that an NHS eye examination will attain a minimum standard regardless of where it is carried out. It also protects the optometrist by clarifying where an NHS eye examination ends and where either referral to a medical practitioner or additional services provided by the optometrist would be appropriate. This protocol will also form the basis of our private eye examination.